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Feed Storage - what are your options?

Updated: Jan 19, 2022

Ensuring that you are storing your animals feed in a cool, dry area with good ventilation is extremely important to keep the quality of the feed and to avoid it from going rancid.

All feeds should be stored out of the elements (out of the sun, rain, and extreme cold). Having your feed in the sun will quickly lower the quality of the feed from loss of vitamins and nutrients. Having your feed in the rain or in wet areas can create mould and fungi from moisture getting into the bag from condensation, perspiration, or rain straight into the feed. Whereas having your feed on a cold concrete floor can also make the feed absorb moisture through condensation.

Choosing a storage container completely depends on where you’re going to be storing your feed. Firstly you will need a container that is large enough to hold all the feed that you have and should be strong enough to ward off rodents.

Containers should have a lid that clips on or attached somehow so that it can’t be knocked off and then spoilt and eaten by pests (insects, mice, rats, birds etc.). If you’re wanting to store feed in a plastic container and outside near sunlight, make sure it is an opaque container as the sunlight will deteriorate the nutrition in a transparent container faster.

The storage container you choose should be strong enough to withstand rodents chewing (if outside/in a shed). The ideal storage container for in a cool ventilated shed would be a galvanised steel container of some sort. Galvanized drums or bins are perfect for storing feed. Not only can rats not chew through metal, (they can get through plastic and wood) but it can also prevent water from entering your feed and causing it to spoil. As an extra layer of protection, you can keep your feed in the bag and then place it inside the storage container if you feel it is necessary.

You will also want to keep an eye on the dates you emptied your feed bags. Even if it looks to be okay, you may find that pellets will lose some of their nutritional value over time. Usually, a bag of feed only lasts three to six months, so always be wary of the quality and expiration of your feed.

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