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Is Hemp safe to consume?


Updated: Jul 14, 2021

This is a great question and a very valid one!

Let's first address the elephant in the room, industrial hemp is not Marijuana.

Our Hemp is grown and sourced from the pure state in Australia - Tasmania and is 100% completely safe for your pets to consume

Although Hemp is considered an ancient grain we seem to only be recently celebrating it's superfood properties.

Hemp is a variety of Cannabis sativa plant used mainly for its fibre, it is very low in both CBD

and THC compared to more commonly known Cannabis/marijuana.

The two most studied active components of Cannabis sativa are the cannabinoids delta-9-

tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). THC is primarily responsible for the "high" that can be experienced with marijuana along with other potential desirable effects such as relaxation and improved appetite.

CBD is non psychoactive so does not cause a "high" however may have many

benefits and applications such as use as an anti-inflammatory, treatment for pain, nausea, epilepsy and many other conditions.

Medicinal cannabis products such as CBD oil are classed as scheduled drug within Australia and currently can only be legally sourced for humans if prescribed by a doctor.

To see more one this check out this link below:

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